Wednesday 30 April 2008

Bannerman arrested after Cerys date

Bannerman arrested after Cerys date

Jungle mavin Marc Bannerman has been quizzed by police force in Cymru followers an incident with a paparazzo, it is reported.
Bannerman became embroiled in a row with photographers after they followed him and Cerys Matthews to a pothouse on Fri afternoon.
According to news bureau PA, the former 'EastEnders' star travelled to Cerys Matthews' menage in Cymru last hebdomad later forming a close relationship with her in the Australian hobo camp.
Bannerman and another man were released on police force bail pending farther inquiries into the incident exterior the Ship Lodge in Pembrokeshire, west Cambria.
Meriel Spud, world Health Organization owns the Ship Hostelry business, said Matthews was in a "distressed state" chase the face-off.
"It was horrible because they had such a nice clip in the pothouse," she said.
She added: "One hour everything was finely and they were having a meal and when they tried to go away they couldn't produce out.
"In that respect were about 15 photographers around the machine block them in the railcar park and they refused to have them out.
"Cerys was really distressed and I had to fetch a car to necessitate her home. I think Marc Bannerman kept his cool down very well. He got out and remained polite and said, 'For God's saki, let us go' but they were only laughing and making fun."
A Dyfed-Powys Police force spokeswoman confirmed they were continuing to inquire an incident outside the Ship Hostel on Fri good afternoon.
She said: "Two persons make been arrested in connexion with the incident. They have been released on police bail pending farther inquiries."